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Code of Conduct 

of the Order of Gallifrey

By participating in Order of Gallifrey Activities – which includes participation on the Order’s forums, Facebook pages and groups, and at events (both informal meet-ups and formal public events), you agree that you will follow this Code of Conduct, and that failure to do so may result in consequences up to and including suspension and/or removal from the club.


1. Follow the Laws and the Rules.


Participants in Order of Gallifrey Activities will follow all applicable international, national, regional/state and local laws and regulations, both criminal and civil. 


You also agree that you will follow any and all rules of any event host or private or public facility where we are attending any Order of Gallifrey events or meet-ups.  For example, Disney has rules regarding the types of costume pieces that may/may not be worn every day or on certain occasions in the parks.  You are expected to follow those rules.


2.  Remember That Doctor Who Belongs to BBC.


Until and unless BBC decides that the Order of Gallifrey is worthy of official recognition and gives us permission to use their copyrighted materials, we do not have that permission.  The Order is simply a fan club for costumers and prop builders.  Therefore, participants in Order of Gallifrey Activities agree that they will not do any of the following:


  • Charge or accept money in exchange for costumed appearances or photographs while representing the Order of Gallifrey or using the Order's name.  (Representing the Order of Gallifrey includes, for example, wearing an Order ID tag or handing out Order cards or flyers.)


  • Profit from copyrighted material or publicly post or advertise services or merchandise containing copyrighted material.


  • Represent that the Order is officially recognized or endorsed by BBC (unless, of course, that happens at some point in the future).


  • Represent that you are licensed by BBC to sell copyrighted Doctor Who items or merchandise, unless you actually have such a license.


Participants in Order of Gallifrey Activities agree that they will not attempt to hold the Order or its administrators or officers liable if they are subject to legal action for intellectual property violations they may have committed.


3.  Treat Each Other With Respect and Civility.


Just as the Doctor would ask others to represent “the very best of humanity,” that is a goal we strive for as a community.  We exist to brighten our communities and to support charities when we can, but also to be a source of support and encouragement for each other as Whovian costumers and prop builders.  Although we do have costume standards for formal or “endorsed” membership, all are welcome to participate in the vast majority of our events and activities, regardless of whether their costume is “endorsed” by the Order, or whether they have a costume at all.  As such, for participants who seek our help in putting together or improving costumes and props, we are here to be a positive source for that help.  We seek to “lift each other up,” and never to put others down.


While this is a challenging mission to distill down into a concrete list, here are some important rules that follow from our goals as a club:


  • No Harassment.  Harassment is defined as under the law (see item #1).  In addition: participants in Order Activities may not:

    • Continue to contact another person (either another Order participant or any person if pertaining to Order Activities)  in any way, including by email, social media or messaging, by phone, text, or in person, after they have asked you not to do so, or

    • Take or post photos of, or touch, another individual without permission.


  • No Bullying.  This is perhaps the toughest concept to define, but generally means that you are not to belittle another person, personally attack them or engage in name-calling, deride their contributions to the Order, or deliberately attempt to exclude them from participation in Order Activities. 


  • Provide constructive criticism only, and only when it is requested.  We ask that, if another person shares a photo of a costume, costume piece or prop, that you refrain from criticizing it unless the person sharing it specifically requests feedback.  If so, we expect you to keep comments positive and constructive. 


For example: “I would suggest adding piping or trim to that jacket to make it look even better,” not “yikes, look at all the details you missed!”


  • Politely accept constructive criticism if you have requested it. If you request comments and suggestions on your costume or prop, please keep reactions to constructive criticism civil. 


For example: “That’s a good suggestion.  I’ll keep that in mind as I’m out looking for pieces,” not “Seriously?  But I looked for weeks to find this and now you’re telling me it’s the wrong color??”


  • IMPORTANT: NEVER, EVER critique a person’s work based upon any of the following characteristics: The costumer’s race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, physical appearance, body type, or age. 


For example: anyone making hostile comments based upon any of these characteristics on an Order forum or social media page, such as “You can’t be Rose Tyler because she’s white,” or, “You’re too fat to be the 10th Doctor,” or “Your Dalek dress looks slutty” will be subject to disciplinary hearings and potentially removed and permanently banned from all Order Activities.  That is not who we are. You have been warned.


  • Please keep private disputes off Order forums and media. If you are upset with another participant in the Order, please try to resolve those disputes in a venue other than the Order’s forums or Facebook groups or pages.  If the dispute pertains to Order business, and if you require help resolving it, please feel free to contact one of the Facebook group/ forum admins (or, when applicable, officers) to help moderate the dispute. 


4.  Behave Appropriately at Events.


Any time you are participating in Order activities in public, whether it’s at a convention where we have a fan table, or an informal meetup at a movie theater, you agree to behave civilly and appropriately for the setting. 


We now have over 200 participants in the Order’s Facebook group, and we have members regularly handing out cards at public venues to recruit others.  So, any time we are out in public as a group, we must assume people will be aware of who we are, and must take care to leave a positive impression – or, at the very least, not a negative one. 


Also, since the Order does have members who are under 18, and since we regularly find ourselves in public venues alongside families, please be mindful when children and teens are around.


5. Meeting a Celebrity? Be Cool.


If at a convention or other venue where you have the opportunity to meet a celebrity from Doctor Who or another BBC show, it’s natural to be excited – and that’s fine!  Squee away!  However, do not hound that person or follow them around.  Respect the rules regarding their appearance.  For example, wait your turn in line and adhere to the boundaries set by the staff managing the signing or photo op. 



The Order of Gallifrey is a fan club, and is not officially endorsed, affiliated or licensed by BBC, the owner of Doctor Who and related intellectual property.  This is not a commercial website.

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