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What is the Order of Gallifrey?


We are a costuming club! This means that not only do we advise and assist each other with costume build questions and sourcing the right parts, we also do events together!  These include everything from informal costumed “meet-ups” to fan tables at conventions to participating in community and charity events.

The Order of Gallifrey is a fan club, and is not officially endorsed, affiliated or licensed by BBC, the owner of Doctor Who and related intellectual property.  This is not a commercial website.

One aspect of the club we have voted on as a group is that we will have the following types of members: 


Cardinals: Full voting rights, right to run for office (once the group has decided upon the types of officers needed and the process for elections), access to special events that require "Endorsed" costumes.  (A description of Endorsement can be found here [LINK].) We anticipate that “Cardinals” will be members of the High Council of Gallifrey, which is the provisional name for the legislative body of the group.



 * Aged 18+ (16+ with written consent from Parent/Guardian)

 * One (1) Costume or Substantive Prop that has been "Endorsed" by the Order [link]

 * Registration on Order of Gallifrey Forums (


Time Lords:  Invited to the vast majority of events, where they will of course be permitted to costume with what they have if they so choose. This is a good category for those who are still working on their costumes/props and not quite ready to submit for Endorsement.  Unable to vote or hold office, except in the cases of emergency votes, or votes on rules or charter provisions that affect the group as a whole.



 * Aged 18+ (16+ with written consent from Parent/Guardian)

 * Interest in Whovian Costuming/Prop Building


Scholar:  Members aged 15 or younger who wish to participate.  They may attend most events with Parent/Guardian permission and presence (which implies permission.)


All members shall have the right to access our forums and to seek the guidance and support of our members. At no time shall any "Membership Status" be used as a means of infringing upon the rights of other members, nor shall any bullying or harassment (as defined in the Code of Conduct), or elitism be tolerated.

The Order of Gallifrey:

Who We Are & What We're About

Who Can Join Us?


Anyone who is a fan of the Doctor, whether or not they've done costuming or prop building in the genre (or at all) before.


We do have costume standards and “endorsements” under those standards, but they work a little differently than you may be accustomed to if you’ve encountered these before.  More details on all that on the Costume Endorsement page.   However, you can still be a member of the Order and participate in the vast majority of our activities without having an endorsed costume, or, indeed, a costume at all!

Where are you located?


Everywhere and anywhere. Although you'll see many of us are from Southern California, we have members all over the US and in the UK.  To accommodate the geographic reach of the group, we’ve formed sectors like Gallifrey Sector (in the United Kingdom, naturally), Bad Wolf Sector (So Cal) Demons Run Sector (Northeastern US), Skaro Sector (Texas), and Gallifrey Sands Sector (American Southwest). Want to start a sector in your area? Just speak up!

What types of costumes are members working on or wearing? Everything from Doctors, to companions, to Cybermen, Daleks and other baddies, as well as custom Doctor Who-inspired outfits (like TARDIS and Dalek dresses).   We also have prop-makers, so if you are interested in building a TARDIS, a K-9, or a Face of Boe, for example, that's accepted and encouraged!



Do you have formal club stuff like a charter and officers?


Not yet - but keep an eye out in the forums and on the Facebook group, because we’ve grown to the point where we will need these formalities fairly soon.  We do have a Code of Conduct on this site.


When we do begin work on the Charter and Bylaws, and determining what officers we need and what their roles will be, those will be open to discussion and contribution by the group as a whole, and ultimately, put to a vote in which all members (endorsed or not) will be able to participate.

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